Friday, April 29, 2011

" ...against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic."

Democracy is bloody, so let the enemies of democracy be bloodier. Communist China is the America's sworn enemy, by their words, not mine. They have amassed a huge army, and for what purpose? To invade U.S. allies in the region, or the United States itself? They go through great cost in feeding and clothing such a huge army, and I have to ask, "Why?" Which is only a part of the required questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? The 'how' is the most crucial. My Dear Departed Father told me they can not do it, because they can not mobilize 100-million soldiers, or even a million, against the U.S. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel, and besides, they are so inept that they cannot even host an honest Olympics, which is bizzare in itself: Olympia, Alexander the Great's mother, is who the original Olympics was named after. It was designed to strengthen the army before invading Asia to crush the evil-Persian Empire. They must all be spinning in their graves: Alexander of Macedonia, Queen Olympia, King Philip the Great, and his sister, Cleopatra. Yes, the same Cleopatra whom Alexander installed as Queen of Egypt when he marched peacefully into Egypt, and was named Pharoah; the Egyptian equivalent to an Earthly God... and the same Cleopatra who was paramour to Marc Antony, and Julius Ceasar.*Alexander is my KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and NOT some itinerate Jewish Prophet who, depite there beind no archeological evidence of anybody traipsing around "The Holy Land," there ARE no less than twelve cities scattered across Asia that bares the name, "Alexandria," today. "History" books say ridiculous things, for instance, that there was twelve Cleopatras, which would account for The Big Lie that Alexander lived from 356-323 B.C., whereas the reality is, Jews hate with a passion the Greeks, (and everybody who is not Jewish), for invading Judea, and proclaiming that, "There will be no God before me." Do you want to strike terror into the heart of a Jew? Show them the crucifix; nay, make them look at it, saying, "Get back you evil man, (or "woman"), and they will cringe and bare their teeth and wail uncontrollably, with some saying, "It burns!" Most will simply turn away as you continue to hold up the crucifix, never looking at you or the crucifix, because they are afraid of the truth, which is that it is the image of a Man, falsely accused, and nailed to a tree, yet who did not die, but lived to get his revenge.

The World is One Big Democracy waiting to happen, and at no better time than right now, primarily, because democracies do not fight, and World Peace is possible, even though it seems like the earth is shaking under our feet, waiting for the coming of the Second Dark Ages. Look only to the massive quest for democracy we are witnesses to in so many nations I have lost count. The Chinese Communist Party will have no one to turn to...

*There was a certain man from Macedonia, and a centurion by the name of Julius, it reads of in the trip to Rome that Paul and some Apostles had supposedly taken.

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